maandag 16 november 2020

Urine tests

 When you have certain complaints with urinating it might be a good idea to test your urine. A urine test can provide you the answer. Analyzing the urine can conclude if the person has diseases like STD or kidney diseases, but also urinary tract infections or a metabolic disease. Your healthcare provider knows what steps need to be taken and how you can create a sample for the research lap.

Urinalysis tests
Doctors can perform an urinalysis in different ways. What kind of tests are there? 

  • Performing a test with a dipstick or strip. They contain different color boxes. The strip will be dipped into urine and the tested urine will reveal into one of the matching colors. The outcome will then be compared with a normal strip. Hereby the doctor can see the levels of sugar, protein, nitrite, red and white blood cells. 

  • Performing a microscopic examination of the urine sample. By performing this test a filled tube with urine will be centrifuged for five minutes. By doing this the cells and other constituents of the urine will eventually sink to the bottom. The residue will be further examined with the use of a microscope.

  • Performing a culture of the bacteria. A doctor will do this test when he/she suspects an infection. With this test the doctor will perform research on the germs the urine contains and the effect of certain antibiotics to those germs. It could take a few days before there is a noticeable result. 

  • Performing cytological examination. With this test the cells in the urine will be examined on malignancy. 

What kind of test you need for your complaints are depending on the symptoms you have. Based on that the doctor will decide which test suits best. You can find more information about collecting your urine on Performing the strip/dipstick and the microscopic examination tests are the first steps in researching urine.

Urine contamination
There is a special method for sampling urine. Before the sampling the genitals should be washed. This is because there is a high chance of contamination by other bacteria. Samples which are contaminated by three different bacteria are already suspected of being invalid. To avoid contamination there are special made urine tubes. They are available from the doctor, pharmacist or online at webshops.

maandag 28 september 2020

Donating your feces

 The disease Clostridium difficile intestinal infection is relatively common. There are approximately 15 infections over 10.000 hospital treatments. Usually it is being cured with antibiotics. The infection could cause only a few symptoms, at other times the infection can cause many more problems. In approximately 5% of the patients the infection returns regularly. For this group a fecal bacteriotherapy is the only effective treatment. The intestinal infection Clostridium Feces transportations are currently being held for three to four times a month in the Netherlands. It is expected that this number increases rapidly. LUMC prof. Ed Kuijper of the Department of Medical Microbiology: "The effectiveness of the Fecal Bacteriotherapy in patients with Clostridium difficile infection was established in 2013. Since then, the treatment is included in national and international guidelines. "

Accessible and safe

The NDFB (Nederlandse Donor Feces Bank) makes treatment for donor feces easily and accessible to doctors and hospitals across the country. The "poop Bank 'causes screened feces according to the guidelines and are registered and provides transport throughout the Netherlands. Liz Terveer, clinical microbiologist in education and coordinator of the fecesbank: "We work with standardized protocols for donor screening, from the reprocessing of the feces to the transplant of the product. The storage at -80 ⁰C and the issuance of the stool suspension. The doctor that receives the feces, can safely insert directly into the duodenum of the patient. They are also offering training to doctors who perform fecal Bacteriotherapy. We also offer training to doctors who perform the Fecal Bacteriotherapy. " The preparation for the establishment of the NDFB lasted a year and was an initiative of gastrointestinal and liver diseases doctor Dr. Josbert Keller (MCH Bronovo) and medical microbiologist Professor. Ed Kuijper (LUMC). They worked on this with the Biobanking department of LUMC.


The NDFB is still searching for donors for the treatment of patients. The conditions are that they should live near Leiden and be healthy. Prof. Kuijper: "Relief donation is not established yet, like giving blood it is. I think it's a matter of getting used to. Donors offer patients the chance of an accessible and safe treatment against invasive disease. "

Visit for the best specimen collector.

maandag 3 augustus 2020

Verschillende soorten en voordelen van terpenen

Terpenen zijn geurstoffen en smaakstoffen die in verschillende soorten bloemen en planten zitten. Naast het feit dat ze de kenmerkende geuren van bloemen afgeven bieden ze ook verschillende medische werkingen. In dit artikel zullen we 3 belangrijke soorten terpenen bespreken. Je kan zelf makkelijk terpenen kopen bij gespecialiseerden winkels. 

Terpeen linalool

Linalool is een mono-terpeen en zit ook in lavendel. Dit zorgt ook weer voor die kenmerkende geur. Het heeft een pijnstillende werking maar wordt door de geur eigenschap ingezet bij veel verzorgingsproducten. Het heeft een bloemachtige geur. Linalool biedt daarnaast nog meer gezondheidsvoordelen. Het kan je angst verlagen en heeft anti-epileptische kenmerken. Ook biedt deze terpeen een medisch effect tegen longontsteking die veroorzaakt wordt door te veel roken. Linalool biedt ook een werking tegen de Leishmania-parasiet. 

Gezondheidsvoordelen limoneen

Limoneen is ook weer een stof die je misschien niet elke dag hoort maar toch wel vaak bent tegengekomen. Limoneen zit namelijk in de citrusvruchten en veroorzaakt de herkenbare geur. Denk maar aan sinaasappels, citroen en limoen. Dit terpeen kan je ook tegenkomen in juniper, pepermunt en rozemarijn. Net als myrceen heeft ook limoneen medische effecten die gezondheidsvoordelen met zich meebrengen. Uit onderzoek blijkt dat het meerdere werkingen heeft. Het stimuleert niet alleen een betere stemming en houding, maar het is ook nog eens effectief tegen ringworm. Het kan zelfs gelden als vervanger voor antidepressiva.


De eerste terpeen waar ik het met je over wil hebben is Myrceen. Myrceen is namelijk de meest voorkomende terpeen in cannabisplanten. Deze stof veroorzaakt de herkenbare geur van cannabis die je zelf vast wel eens hebt geroken. Het aroma kan worden omschreven als aards en kruidachtig. Daarnaast heeft het meerdere medische eigenschappen die gezondheidsvoordelen bieden. Eén daarvan is dat het een kalmerend en pijnstillend effect heeft. Hierdoor wordt het soms ingezet als slaap- of kalmeermiddel. De meest bijzondere eigenschap van myrceen is dat het de weerstand verminderd van de bloed-hersenbarrière. Myrceen en andere stoffen kunnen daardoor beter wordt opgenomen door de hersenen.

dinsdag 21 januari 2020

Why CleanNA is so important for the society

CleanNA is a company that make DNA/RNA kits. Those kits are very useful for multiple things. With the kits the scientists could do research to many things. Not many people knows anything about the company or the kits and that is the reason why it is important that that will be clear. This article give insights which will help to get respect for the company and their products. So if you are interested in the company and their DNA/RNA kits? Read further.

CleanNA the company

This article is written because not many people know anything about the company. This company make products or DNA/RNA kits that helps scientists who are doing research to DNA. The research only can be done with the chemicals the company CleanNA made. This is only possible with the chemicals because otherwise the DNA cannot be checked. Without the chemicals the DNA will be useless. The company has it own scientists as well. Those man are improving the chemicals every day. This is important because only the best products can be used for the research to DNA. In the next paragraph it will be clear why it is important that this company exists.

Why important

The company CleanNA is very important and that is because for a lot of reasons. First of all, the DNA that is in every cell can only be checked with the chemicals. It is important that the DNA is checked for multiple reasons. A reason could be that it is important that we could check if someone has a disease in his or her DNA. When there is a disease it is possible for curing it before it is to late. DNA research is also important for crimes. When there is a crime and the suspect is no where to find it is possible to use DNA tests to find him.